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My primary focus for this blog will be of about lifestyle, but occasionally a recipe or tips or deep thoughts and poems post might sneak in... :) :)  Through this blog, I try to exhilarate you by sharing my experiences of living what I feel is a very good and fulfilling life, hoping that it will bring insight and inspiration into the lives of others.  I love sharing tips and tricks to make life worth living, whether it’s through time-saving tips, tips for the home and family, or how to live life to the fullest.





 There’s excitement in not knowing what you’re going to reveal about yourself or your surroundings from one day to the next- and my hope is that one day we can look back at all these posts and smile big about days gone by. And in the meantime, I hope you’ll be inspired to laugh, learn and live it up with me, too..




P.S.  I’m pretty random.


P.S.S. I love sharing my random with you.





Thank you for stopping by.  

Enjoy your tour!  








Hello and welcome to my homemaking and lifestyle blog!  

I am a Malaysian, been living here all my life and wondering if I can turn kerepek-eating into some sort of career…

I created this blog in 2014, it was the time when everyone had a blog. When I was in primary school, I was very much into scrapbooking and diaries, so blogging is like the next best thing to get into. Then, slowly most of my friends and family moved to Facebook and Instagram and i followed pursuit. As IG and FB are much easier to work with, this blog was left high and dry. Now that I have gotten older in age, and that I start to forgot many beautiful moments that my children recalled we made together,  I think I must start documenting  the precious memories and knowledge that I have. By writing online journals I hope I can create a record for the future, so that my children and their families can refer and learn from this.



I was born and raised in the small historic town of Taiping, Perak where I was most influenced by the old colonial architecture of the British settlement in Malaya. 


I am also a self taught designer, (did my degree in something else lol.. and has begun to work independently eversince) must mention that I am an amateur photographer and an avid  writer who writes about anything at all, and totally abuses commas and relies heavily on spell check (and never did that great in English classes)  I sometimes write in Bahasa Malaysia too, which is worse than my English. Despite all of those things, here I am…trying my luck into blogging.


Other than a self proclaimed designer, and a wannabe lifestyle influencer, I can call myself a sedulous cook, albeit the struggles Lol!  In this blog I explore everything from old family recipes ( not necessarily only mine )  to ones I make up on my own. I love to cook and bake, I would try recipes of delicacies around the world but i especially like western sweets and authentic Malay traditional dishes, and I love to share the products of my labour with everyone around me. I believe  cooking for yourself and family can be easier, faster, and so much tastier and healthier than eating out (not to mention fun!). I want to share the joy I find in food with the world, while keeping a large emphasis on simplicity of ingredients, practicality, and approachability for the home cook. 



 Just kidding, nobody thinks housework rules! But sometimes, it gotta get done.





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