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The Chanticlaire





(chăn′tĭ-klîr′, shăn′-) A rooster. [Middle English chauntecler, from Old French chantecler, the name of the rooster in the tale of Reynard the Fox : chanter, to sing; see chant + cler, clear; see clear.]   


( Chantecleer - definition of Chantecleer by The Free Dictionary) 


I,m proud of this house not because of it's size or how mat salleh style we are or whatever like that, but i'm very proud of it because this is the fruit of my labour, I lovingly designed it myself from scratch, interior exterior, monitoring every single day of its renovation works & excitedly watching our dreams come true.Much has been put into our beloved Chanticlaire, love sweat blood and tears 💟😍😘  A home to bring up the children, hopefully with lots & lots of love & care & importantly the aspirations that comes with The Chanticlaire, our home. How we have grown as a family...i can only smile to myself, ever so gratefully & proudly now 😁😁 Alhamdulillah..



So we decided one day in 2010 ( the yer that we moved in) , we needed a name for our house. Perhaps a name that sounds elegant and magnifient but it actually is realistic and down to earth, almost having a comical meaning to it. I don't exactly remember what made me come out with the word Chanticlaire. Perhaps I was looking for a word that sounds like a French word but not too difficult to pronounce. Perhaps I was playing around the word Cantik which means beautiful in Malay. Then, as I like the French dessert eclairs so much, why not combine cantik and eclaire, to make Chanticlaire

...Voila! the name is born, but does it have any meaning to it? I googled and the definition above popped out! Perfect...!! A beautiful chicken coop! Reban ayam cantik..! That's all that I wanted it to be :) At least, the worse that an happen to the name is rumah Cantik for anyone who can't pronouce it properly...  😁

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